Thursday, November 29, 2007

Plastic Grocery Bags - Recycle

Ask your favorite stores to start offering $.05 or $.10 credits per bag to customers who bring their own, and/or to charge for disposable bags (plastic and paper). They can join other progressive retailers including CostCo, Whole Foods, and Ikea that have already taken the lead. They can save money and help the environment at the same time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Free Standard Shipping on orders at Problem Solvers

Free Standard Shipping on orders at Problem Solvers. Expires 12-18-07. Use code FREE
This store carries organization items, problem solvers, tools and gadgets.

Weeding out your Closet

The first step in organizing your closet involves getting a sense of what clothes you own. This is a good time to keep a few large boxes or baskets nearby. Designate one container for things to be donated, one for things to be thrown out, and one for things to be repaired. Depending on your wardrobe, you may also set aside a container for things to be sold. Inevitably, as you go through your closet, you will find pieces of clothing that you know will no longer fit, that you no longer like, or that need minor (or major) repairs. These can be moved to the appropriate containers as you work through the contents of your closet. Set the hangers to the side, as you may need them later.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Organizing Your Tie Rack

Is your tie rack is a mess? Here's some simple tips to get it under control!

  1. Get two plastic bags - one for Discard and one for Donate.
  2. Lay all your ties out on the bed or floor.
  3. Discard ALL that are stained, torn or discolored.
  4. Donate ALL that: don't match any of your clothing , are out of style , you haven’t worn in a year

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Make your Bed!

Make your bed as soon as you get up. This task generally takes a minute or less, and it can go a long way toward making the room look neater and more pulled together. If you have kids, get them to add bed making to their morning routines, too.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dissolve soap scum from shower doors

Dissolve soap scum from shower doors. Clean with a dryer softener sheet.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Keep frequently used information and files in a place that is easily accessible

Keep frequently used information and files in a place that is easily accessible. For example, keep important phone numbers near the phone or active project files on your desk. With everything at your fingertips, you won't waste time searching for information when you need it most

Clean up your music collection

Anyone with even a modest-size collection has CDs separated from their cases, missing case jackets, scratched discs, damaged tapes and case-less cassettes. Gather it all together in one spot. Separate into stacks and toss damaged ones. Sell the ones you no longer want.


Don't limit your decluttering to the usual garage, basement and attic. Look at the common areas -- drawers, cupboards and places where things tend to go that we think we'll get to later. Divide clutter into boxes marked "keep," "donate," "sell" and "throw out" -- even though you don't want it, someone else might. Hold a garage sale or sell it online.

Eliminate static electricity from your television

Eliminate static electricity from your television (or computer) screen by rubbing it with a clothes softener dryer sheet.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Repurpose your fireplace ashes!

Save all those cold ashes from your fireplace to throw on your driveway for more “grit” under your tires.